Using Bytesafe - The Basics

Using Bytesafe - The Basics

Getting started with Bytesafe is easily done in minutes:

  • Create your workspace & admin user
  • Use the npm client to publish and install packages from Bytesafe
  • Invite your team members
  • Discover and secure your dependencies

Create your workspace & admin user

First step of the sign up is to choose a workspace name (this will be part of the domain name used to access Bytesafe, e.g.

The next step is to create an admin user for your new Bytesafe workspace. You can sign up either with social logins (Google & GitHub currently supported) or using email & password.

After account creation has been completed you will be signed in to your new workspace and directed to Bytesafe.

From Bytesafe you can manage your account, invite your team members, setup registries, push and pull packages and more.

Feel more at home in a terminal? The Bytesafe documentation contains usage information on how to configure and use CLI.

Using the npm client with Bytesafe

Bytesafe’s private registries are fully compatible with the npm client. Use npm as normal, no need to learn new commands or change your workflow.

New accounts includes an initial registry (named default) with the npmjs public registry pre-configured as an upstream.

Configure npm to use your new registry

The npm client stores its config in file .npmrc. To add credentials for your new Bytesafe registry, run npm login

$ # retrieve password from Bytesafe (available on registry page)

$ # use --registry flag to point to your bytesafe registry

$ npm --registry '' login

Username: bytesafe


Email(this IS public):


If you want npm to use a Bytesafe registry as the default registry, you can set it with the npm config command:

$ npm config set registry ''


Publishing packages to a registry

You can publish packages to your new registry using the npm publish command.

$ # you can use the --registry flag to override the default registry

$ npm --registry publish 'some-package'



For more information on the npm publish command and its uses, please see official npm documentation for npm publish

Installing packages from a registry

The npm install command installs a package, and any packages that it depends on from a registry.

$ npm --registry install 'some-package'



If the specified Bytesafe registry does not contain the specific package, the package will be pulled from an upstream (if configured) and stored in the registry.

For more information on the npm install command and its uses, please see official npm documentation for npm install

Inviting your team members

Inviting others to access your Bytesafe workspace and registries is easy.

Team section of Bytesafe let’s you invite others by email. Recipients will receive an invite link that lets them create a user with access to the same registries as the inviter.

Don’t want to be sole admin for your team’s Bytesafe workspace? Don’t worry. Admin users can invite more members to the workspace and assign them the admin role

The team members page also keeps track of pending invites, has the option to resend invites as well as the option to disable user access to the workspace.

Discover and secure your dependencies

Know your dependencies

All packages added to Bytesafe are instantly available in the web application.

Add a projects dependencies to Bytesafe and identify what packages your apps depend on and their dependents. Gain insights, get notified of any issues and remediate them swiftly. Get both a holistic overview of relevant metrics with registry dashboards and explore detailed information about your packages in an intuitive user interface.

Bytesafe also secures your software supply chain. Continuously monitor dependencies for potential threats and license issues. Block undesirable packages and actions with our configurable policies.

Configuring registries

If the initial registry does not match your desired setup, you can configure your own registries, upstreams and plugins to fit your teams workflow.

To create a new registry, navigate to Registries and click the Create registry button. Enter a registry name and description and your new registry will be created.

You can also clone a registry! Cloning a new registry includes all packages, versions, tags and upstreams.

You can rename, change the description or delete a registry, by navigating to the registry and selecting the Settings tab.

Configuring upstreams

Upstreams are linked registries, that can be either a public registry (, other Bytesafe registries or a URL to an npm compatible registry.

Package versions can be pulled from an upstream down into a registry (either manually or when running npm install). Packages can also be published (“pushed”) from a Bytesafe registry up to an upstream.

configure upstreams

A registry can have multiple upstreams configured with a priority order in which they are searched.

To add and / or configure upstreams, navigate to the registry and click the Upstreams tab.

Configuring plugins

Plugins extend on Bytesafe’s core with added functionality and perform actions for you. Policies are rules that are executed before any registry action is applied. configure plugins and policies

Configure policies and plugins according to your business rules. Take your npm package workflow and security to the next level!

We would love to hear from you!

Unanswered questions on how to use Bytesafe? Want to know more about how Bytesafe can help your organizations? Have suggestions for Bytesafe’s roadmap?

Contact us here and we will get back to you!