Firewall for Java dependencies

The secure Maven supply chain

Discover bytesafe

Secure Maven artifact repositories

Manage your Java dependencies with Bytesafe

Control the Maven artifacts used across your organization for Java, Kotlin, Scala and other JVM languages. Add both private and public artifacts to your secure single source.

Get insight into what artifacts are used and the issues require your attention. Explore detailed information about your packages in an intuitive user interface.

Secure source for developers and CI/CD

Protect your supply chain with secure and compliant Java dependencies for your developers and CI/CD systems.

Secure access to a single source of truth for Maven artifacts for the whole organization.

Block unwanted packages

Don’t risk a security breach! Block undesirable packages from getting into your software supply chain.

Continuously monitor dependencies for potential threats, get notified and enforce business policies at every action you make.

Share. Cache. Proxy. Collaborate

Unlock productivity by configuring your team’s source of truth for Maven and Gradle projects. Cache/proxy artifacts from public repositories like Maven Central and deploy the private artifacts your organization needs.

Fully managed and hosted in the cloud. High availability and quality results, all the time!

Continuous License Compliance

Create custom license policies according to the rules of your organization. Stay in control with in-depth license scanning, automatically track license compliance issues and restrict problematic or unlicensed packages.

Bytesafe 💙 secure dependencies

Bytesafe can secure your whole supply chain. One source for the package ecosystems you care about.

Use the same secure dependency firewall for NuGet + Maven + npm packages.


Complete SBOM solution for DevSecOps

SBOM Observer - your next-level SBOM management solution

  • Full SBOM Management Across Ecosystems
  • Continuous Security & Compliance Scanning
  • Automated, Policy-Driven Operations
  • Vulnerability Impact Analysis
  • Integration with CI/CD for Streamlined Workflows


What our clients say about us

Anton Aderum

"We use Bytesafe in our CI/CD pipeline to keep our Javascript packages secure. Setting up Bytesafe to use in combination with the regular public registries was super easy. It helps us share our internal private packages securely and efficiently across all our development teams."

Anton Aderum


Learn how Bytesafe helps Bokadirekt
Daniel Loza

"We create NodeJS & Java libraries and use Bytesafe in our CI/CD environment. For us it’s a very useful and important tool. Bytesafe has high availability which is crucial when installing packages in our projects. I want to highlight that the service keeps private packages secure. The dependency firewall keeps us safe and informed of potential vulnerabilities where we need to take action. Excellent tool!"

Daniel Loza